Got A Cracked Tooth? See A Dentist Right Away!

Got A Cracked Tooth? See A Dentist Right Away! Life can be quite stressful, and many of us have a variety of coping mechanisms. One common tension reliever is damaging our oral health in the form of teeth grinding and/or clenching. Its medical name is bruxism. Some people grind and clench while they’re awake, some […]
A Dentist Is Your Partner In Excellent Oral Health

A Dentist Is Your Partner In Excellent Oral Health A mouth’s many components team up to perform imperative tasks. This valuable orifice is a very busy place, which, unfortunately, makes it susceptible to glitches and the occasional misfortune. The office of EverSmile Dental treats a wide spectrum of issues. Keeping your mouth healthy is as […]
Teeth Stains Have Names

Teeth Stains Have Names Americans are known around the world for their healthy and attractive teeth. Our standards are higher than those in other countries, and many of us work hard to sport sparkling smiles. One method to banish tooth discolorations is to use whiteners. But have you ever thought about how and why some […]
Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health? You Bet!

Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health? You Bet! The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. From head to toe, what affects one area of your body influences one or more other areas. The well-being of your whole mouth is just one example.It’s a component of your whole physical being, which […]
Is Tongue-Scraping Worthwhile? Ask Our Dentist

Is Tongue-Scraping Worthwhile? Ask Our Dentist Admittedly, tongue scraping does not have a pleasant sound to it. In fact, it sounds uncomfortable at best! But as our friendly dentist at EverSmile Dental explains, it’s a proven method of enhancing your oral health. And it’s not painful at all! Here’s what tongue scraping is all about […]
New Shapes Bring You More Self-Confidence

New Shapes Bring You More Self-Confidence Do you dislike your smile because your front teeth have minor alignment issues? Do the issues bother you to the extent that they reduce your self-confidence in your social, personal and business lives? The many types of cosmetic dentistry include odontoplasty (also known as enameloplasty, dental recontouring and tooth […]
Your Teeth by the Numbers

Your Teeth by the Numbers Everyone knows about teeth, but not everyone knows all there is to know about their choppers. One reason is that there are many aspects to our pearly whites, from baby teeth (technically called primary teeth) to permanent teeth. We at the office of EverSmile Dental are oral healthcare experts and […]
Healthy Teeth Look Good at Any Age

Healthy Teeth Look Good at Any Age It’s important to take excellent care of your teeth and gums no matter how old you are. But as with the rest of your body parts, age can take a toll on them. Due to natural wear and tear, senior citizens need to pay extra attention to their […]
Holiday Dos and Don’ts

Holiday Dos and Don’ts The holidays are filled with opportunities to share the joy of the season with our family and friends. And when those gatherings take place around the table, there are bound to be plenty of sweet temptations. Our friendly family dentist at EverSmile Dental wants our patients to enjoy the holidays while […]