Your dentist can help maintain a healthy and functional smile by scheduling regular appointments for checkups and professional dental cleanings. During each checkup, your dentist will carefully review your medical and dental histories, and conduct a thorough examination of your mouth, jaws, and surrounding areas of the head and neck. In addition to checking for common dental conditions like tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer, your dentist will also be attentive to any signs of potential health issues originating elsewhere in your body.
Symptoms such as dry mouth, bad breath, gum problems, ulcerations, or oral lesions could be indicative of an underlying systemic condition. As part of a comprehensive clinical examination, your dentist will assess the function of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and your bite (occlusion) to identify any impairments or misalignments. This examination can also uncover the effects of dietary choices, eating disorders, harmful habits, specific medications, and inadequate oral hygiene practices.
Scheduling regular checkups with your dentist not only helps in maintaining a beautiful smile, but also enables the identification and prevention of potential health issues that may affect your overall well-being.