Invisalign® treatment is a cutting-edge and inconspicuous method of dental care that effectively aligns your smile while causing minimal disruption to your daily routines. Through the use of nearly invisible aligners, this innovative treatment discreetly transforms your teeth without anyone else knowing that you are undergoing orthodontic care.
Invisalign makes use of advanced 3-D computer imaging technology to correct bite issues or misalignments by creating a personalized series of transparent aligners. These aligners gradually shift your teeth into the desired position until all necessary corrections have been achieved.
It is advisable to inquire about these possible extra expenses if you are thinking about getting Invisalign from a different provider. We provide the greatest all-inclusive package because it comes with the following:
For patients who prefer not to wear metal braces, there are plenty of alternatives! With its clear plastic aligners made to straighten teeth, Invisalign® is the most popular alternative orthodontic treatment. Your dentist will assess your teeth to determine which option best meets your needs and desires.
The price of treatment is about the same as that of metal braces, according to the Invisalign® website. Your insurance may pay a portion of this expense. For a consultation and to go over possible payment plan options, please give us a call.
Setting up a consultation with your dentist is the first step toward helping them create a treatment plan that best fits your unique dental requirements. You will get your first set of aligners after being approved.
Plastic that is clear and flexible is used to make Invisalign® aligners. The material, SmartTrack®, has been granted a patent by the company and is intended only for use in Invisalign treatments. Nearly invisible and FDA approved, these aligners!
The length of time your Invisalign® treatment should take will be estimated by your doctor based on your unique requirements. Treatment typically lasts between twelve and eighteen months. Some patients, though, might experience benefits much sooner. To get the best results, wear your aligners exactly as prescribed by your physician.
After your Invisalign® treatment, your doctor will probably advise you to wear retainers. This is a preventative measure that will stop your teeth from moving back into place. To guarantee long-lasting effects, it’s critical to adhere to your doctor’s recommendations precisely.
Your aligners have to be worn for up to 22 hours every day. For eating, drinking, and practicing good oral hygiene, you can take them off.
There is a brief adjustment period, just like with any orthodontic treatment. You’ll get used to wearing aligners faster if you talk more.
After every initial insertion, there will be some pressure and mild discomfort for a day or two. This indicates that your teeth are gradually erupting into their permanent positions.
Chewing gum can cause your aligners to stick, so it’s best to take them out before you chew.
Since cigarette smoke tends to discolor aligners, we discourage smoking while wearing them.
Applying toothpaste to them will maintain their cleanliness and freshness.
Usually, appointments are scheduled every five to six weeks. This will guarantee that the planned course of your Invisalign treatment is being followed.
Every orthodontic patient is advised to wear their retainers at night for the rest of their lives. Sleeping with your retainers in at night will ensure a healthy bite and maintain the new position of your teeth.
Yes, provided that all of their teeth—including their second molars—have fully grown in.