Best Dentist in Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 | EverSmile Dental

Dental Implants to Save Your Teeth

Studies show that across the United States millions of people are living with partial or complete tooth loss. Fortunately, with today’s advances in the field of implant dentistry, it’s easier than ever to rebuild a beautiful and complete smile. At EverSmile Dental, we customize your treatment plan with implants to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing and functional outcomes of care. Our highly trained professional team tailors treatment to accommodate your individual needs and prioritizes your comfort at every visit.

If you’ve experienced tooth loss due to periodontal disease, traumatic injury, tooth decay or for any other reason, you may be a candidate for implants. A dental implant is a small surgical post, made of biocompatible materials, which integrates with the jawbone overtime to support a dental prosthesis.  By behaving in much the same way as the root of a natural tooth, a dental implant provides ongoing stimulation to the surrounding bone to prevent a loss of volume and preserve facial fullness. Once your dental implants are placed and fully integrated, we can restore them with dental crowns, fixed bridges or overdentures. At EverSmile Dental, we can even replace a full arch of upper or lower teeth with an implant-supported full arch dental bridge, which offers a permanent, stable alternative to traditional dentures. Not only do dental implants have an astonishing 98% rate of success, but also people living with dental implants typically report an improvement to their overall quality of life following treatment.

At EverSmile Dental we make it easier to smile, eat and speak with implants. Our experienced dentist and staff keep pace with the most advanced solutions in prosthodontic care. To learn more about our office and all the possibilities offered by dental implants or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

Here are a few basic recommendations for enjoying a taste of the holidays that you won’t regret come January:

  • Sweet next-to-nothings: It’s OK to sample the pies, cakes and cookies that dance before your eyes, but place a limit on your indulgence. If there’s fruit on the table, replacing or supplementing with this healthy alternative can cut into your sugar craving. Rinse your mouth with water afterward to give your teeth a quick wash.
  • Hard lessons: Candy canes, other hard candies and caramels are a definite no-no. And why bother with the soda that’s sure to be flowing? It’s not worth packing on the calories and sugar you’re already sampling from the holiday table.
  • Dinner vs. dessert: Have a healthy portion of main dishes like turkey and go for the fresh veggies; don’t skimp on food in favor of leaving room for dessert.
  • Travel kit: If you’re on the road for the holidays, don’t forget to pack a travel-size toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and an interdental brush. This makes it easy to duck away from the festivities to give your teeth a thorough cleaning. 
  • Keep your routine: It’s easy to forget our normal routines around the holidays, and that can include oral hygiene. Stick to what works: brushing and flossing at least twice a day, spending about two minutes to clean each chewing surface. 

Our entire staff at EverSmile Dental wishes you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!